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Step 4. Discount recommendation: Forecaster-> Sources – Data inputs

Sources – Discount Recommendation

Use Sources screen to upload products, customers and orders files in csv format. User can define import csv file delimiters, limit number of rows to be uploaded and some other parameters. Note that we are working on option for automatic direct connections to ERP/CRM databases.
Files upload
User has an option to accept default setup of standard csv files or to decide what is an exact format of csv file to be uploaded and what is the maximum number of rows to be uploaded for processing. User can open a local or network drive by clicking Browse button next to individual elements (Customers, Products, or Purchase statistics).
File – Customers
Customer file is listing all customers to be processed by algorithm. List of all columns available in this file is below.
ID Description Mandatory
customer_id Unique customer ID yes
customer_revenue Customer revenue size in past 12 months yes
customer_city Primary customer address city no
customer_country Primary customer address country no
customer_group Primary customer group no
customer_vip Is this customer VIP no

Sample of Customer file for download.

  • Customer ID

Unique identifier of customer. Please keep in mind that this value has to be unique and listed as one row in csv file. This is a mandatory value.

  • Customer revenue

Consolidated customer revenue for past 12 months in currency selected during algorithm selection. Keep in mind that all lines have to be in the same currency as selected during algorithm selection. New project can be created for same algorithm in case you need to work with another currency. This is mandatory value.

  • Customer city

Primary customer city. This value will be used in future releases for reporting and statistical purposes. This is optional value.

  • Customer country

Primary customer country. This value will be used in future releases for reporting and statistical purposes. This is optional value.

  • Customer group

This column is representing customer grouping to various categories e.g. Wholesale, Retail, Consultant, etc. This value can be used during the next steps for assigning specific minimum markup if needed. It will be also used in future releases for reporting and statistical purposes. This is optional value.

  • VIP customer

This column is representing VIP status of customer. It can be used during the next steps for assigning specific minimum markup if needed for your key customers. It will be also used in future releases for reporting and statistical purposes. This is optional value.

Tip: You can use pareto principle to indicate customer importance e.g. VIP customer = part of top 20% customers generating 80% of total revenue
File – Products
Product file is listing all products to be processed by algorithm. List of all columns available in this file is listed below.
ID Description Mandatory
product_id ID of the product yes
product_price_selling Product price without any discount yes
product_cost Product purchase cost yes
product_category_1 Product category 1 no
product_category_2 Product category 2 no
company_code Company code which will be provided on the output file yes
uom Product Unit of measure yes

Sample of Product file for download.

  • Product ID

Unique identifier of product. Please keep in mind that this value has to be unique and listed as one row in csv file. This is mandatory value.

  • Product selling price

Product selling price in currency selected at the moment of algorithm selection and for unit of measure listed in the same file. This value will be used for default markup calculation and it is mandatory value.

Note: If you need to list multiple selling prices for one product (e.g. quantity based selling prices or multiple selling unit of measures) then you need to create new project with another file to be uploaded for such an item. Please refer to guide on how to duplicate projects in order to quickly create/duplicate similar projects.
  • Product category 1

Product categorization to be eventually used later on in process for minimum markup assignment. It will be also used in future releases for reporting and statistical purposes. Product category 1 value is optional if you have selected algorithm mode as one row per product/customer however it is mandatory if product category/customer mode has been selected at the moment of algorithm selection.

  • Product category 2

Another product categorization to be eventually used later on in process for minimum markup assignment. It will be also used in future releases for reporting and statistical purposes. Product category 2 value is optional value.

  • Company code

This is identifier of your company ID in ERP/CRM system. It is usually the same value for all rows. This will be used at the moment of importing results back to ERP/CRM system.

  • UOM (Unit of measure)

This column is representing unit of measurement in which you are usually purchasing and selling your product e.g. EA, BOX, M2, etc. If you want to generate results for the same part for multiple UOMs then you need to create multiple projects. Please refer to guide on how to duplicate projects in order to quickly create/duplicate similar projects.

File – Purchase Statistics
Purchase statistics file is listing all purchase statistics for past 12 months for individual products and customers. It is used by algorithm to delivery the best discount match for all customers. List of all columns available in this file is listed below.
ID Description Mandatory
product_id ID of the product yes
customer_id Unique customer ID yes
quantity Quantity of product sold in past 12 months to this customer yes
uom Product Unit of measure yes
product_importance Product importance (most important=1, medium=2 or low=3) no
qty_category_1 Product category 1 quantity sold in past 12 months to this customer no
qty_category_2 Product category 2 quantity sold in past 12 months to this customer no
avg_selling_unit_price Average selling unit price in past 12 months yes
avg_discount Average discount percentage in past 12 months yes
last_unit_price Last selling unit price no
last_selling_date Last selling date no

Sample of Purchase statistics file for download.

  • Product ID

Product ID matching product from Product list. This value has to match one of values in Product list. This is mandatory value.

  • Customer ID

Customer ID matching customer from Customer list. This value has to match one of values in Customer list. This is mandatory value.

  • Quantity of product sold in past 12 months to this customer

Consolidated value of total quantity of respective product sold to respective customer in past 12 months. This is mandatory value.

  • UOM (Unit of measure)

This column is representing unit of measurement in which product quantity is sold e.g. EA, BOX, M2, etc. This value should be consolidated for purchase statistics in case you selling one product in multiple unit of measures.

  • Product importance (most important=1, medium=2 or low=3)

Product categorisation in terms of importance to customer. Pareto principle should be used as a general rule for assigning of product importance however it is in full control of user on which value will be assigned to individual products. Value can be either 1,2, or 3 where 1=most important product, 2=medium or 3=low importance. Low importance (number 3) will be assigned if value is left blank in import file.

Pareto principle example: 1 most important product = product is part of top 20% of products generating 80% of total customer revenue 2 medium important product = product is part of group generating remaining 18% of revenue 3 low important products generating remaining revenue.
We are currently working on exciting Business Intelligence as an output of files processing and all information will be available for you with future releases of iERP!
  • Product category 1 sale

This value is representing Product category 1 quantity sold in past 12 months to respective customer. It will be also used in future releases of iERP for reporting and statistical purposes. Product category 1 value is optional value.

  • Product category 2 sale

This value is representing Product category 2 quantity sold in past 12 months to respective customer. It will be also used in future releases of iERP for reporting and statistical purposes. Product category 2 value is optional value.

  • Average selling unit price in past 12 months

This is average selling unit price for respective product and respective customer in past 12 months.

  • Average discount in past 12 months

This is average discount percentage on unit price for respective product and respective customer in past 12 months.

  • Last selling unit price

This is last selling unit price for respective product and respective customer.

  • Last selling date

This is the date of most recent sale of respective product to respective customer.

Previous Step 3. Discount recommendation: Algorithm selection
Next Step 5. Discount recommendation:: Forecaster-> Columns
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